Friday, February 7, 2025

Tag: NSA

Drones: The Rapidly Growing Menace to America and the World

The U.S. government has been approved to use drones, not only in the Middle East, but in the U.S. This might be a technological breakthrough, but numerous issues will occur that cannot be undone.

The End of Encryption? NSA and FBI Seek New Backdoors Against...

The U.S. and Britain governments are pushing for “exceptional access” to encrypted communications to track criminals and terrorists. Many cryptographers, computer scientists, and security specialists are against this allowance.

Why Rand Paul Was Right to Kill the So-Called Patriot Act:...

While Sen. Rand Paul helped force the expiration of the so-called PATRIOT Act, it seems he is a better constitutional scholar than Barack Obama, who is not interested in the Fourth Amendment.

Thank You, Edward Snowden: An End to General Warrants as So-Called...

We've taken a few baby steps back toward democracy after the expiration of the misnamed “PATRIOT Act” gives restoration to Americans’ privacy. But if it wasn't for the revelations of Edward Snowden, we would have never known.

Big Brother/NSA Spies Stopped In Their Tracks; But for How Long?

A decision was recently made saying the NSA surveillance program goes beyond what is appropriate under the Patriot Act. With the Patriot Act up for renewal in a couple weeks, this ruling will hopefully get U.S. citizens to rise up and demand this government respect their privacy.

Court Rules NSA Bulk Spying Illegal: New Vindication for Snowden, and...

The NSA’s collection of millions of U.S. citizens’ phone records is now illegal for them to possess. This ruling comes at a time when the Patriot Act is soon up for renewal.

Snowden Docs: NSA Technology Lets Gov’t Generate Transcripts of Private Phone...

According to documents released by whistleblower Edward Snowden, it's confirmed that the National Security Agency is converting people’s private phone conversations into searchable text. But isn' this a violation of American's human rights?

Blueprint for Post-9/11 Surveillance: U.S. Began Bulk Collection of Phone Call...

Evidently, the federal government has been secretly tracking phone calls years before the 9/11 attacks. It was the Justice Department and Drug Enforcement Administration back in 1992 that paved the way for NSA in 2001.

NSA & British GCHQ Hacked SIM Card Maker to Steal Encryption...

NSA, and its British counterpart, have hacked into the internal computer network of the largest manufacturer of SIM cards in the world. They are now able to oversee mobile communications without permission from telecom companies and foreign governments.

Saudi Government Imposes Sentence of 1,000 Lashes Against Activist Blogger

The Saudi Arabian government has issued a series of 1,000 public lashings and 10 years in prison to an activist blogger Raif Badawi for insulting Islam. U.S. State Department spokesperson Jen Psaki requested an end to this punishment, but it does not look like Saudi authorities will end this brutality.


White House announces 53rd state!

"Mr. President, are there any plans for a 53rd state now that stars for Canada and Gaza have been officially added to the flag?"

Renaming The Gulf of Mexico isn’t a laughing matter but part of a US...

It reflects a disregard for historical truth, an aggressive assertion of U.S. superiority, and the continuation of exploitative colonialist practices that harm both the environment and Latin American people.

Trump administration orders USDA and Forest Service to remove climate change references, suppressing critical...

The systematic erasure of climate change information from government websites threatens scientific transparency, public safety, and environmental policy.

Google abandons AI ethics pledge as Trump pushes for military AI expansion

“Is this as terrifying as it sounds?”

Tesla paid zero federal income tax in 2024 while GOP pushes more corporate tax...

Musk’s trillion-dollar company paid nothing in federal taxes while working Americans foot the bill.