Monday, June 17, 2024

Tag: politics

Peacemakers, warmongers and fence sitters: Who represents you?

You can check out the differences between Democrats and Republicans, and see who are the real hawks and doves in each party.

Democrats: Don’t go high or low. Go big and bold

Of course Democrats have to fight him. But they also have to lift America beyond him.

Trump admin. attempts to erase existence of trans people after years...

If enacted, the proposal would reverse the expansion of transgender rights that took place under President Barack Obama.

The Violence Against Women Act is unlikely to reduce intimate partner...

But the fact is that the criminal system supported by the act isn’t stopping intimate partner violence.

Message to Millennials

On November 6, you have the power to alter the course of American politics...

Professor predicts record-breaking voter turnout for 2018 midterm election

"It's probably going to be a turnout rate that most people have never experienced in their lives for a midterm election."

Native Americans react to Elizabeth Warren’s DNA test: Stop making Native...

"Using a DNA test to lay claim to any connection to the Cherokee Nation or any tribal nation, even vaguely, is inappropriate and wrong.”

As 2018 midterms approach, Native American women are running for office...

Three Native women are running for governor, and 31 are running for seats in state legislatures.

There’s nothing more powerful than people taking back democracy

“They might outspend us, but there’s nothing more powerful than people deciding it’s time to take back democracy – and they know it.”

Ari Berman: Republicans in North Dakota are attempting to disenfranchise thousands...

The law could make a difference in the close race between Democratic Senator Heidi Heitkamp and her Republican challenger Kevin Cramer.


The Medicare Advantage Paradox: How private insurers cost taxpayers billions

Recent studies and reports from the Medicare Payment Advisory Commission (MedPAC) reveal that MA overpayments have significantly burdened taxpayers.

Trump’s $48 billion corporate tax cut proposal exceeds annual K-12 education budget

The proposed reduction in the corporate tax rate from 21% to 15% would result in massive tax savings for the largest U.S. companies, benefiting wealthy shareholders while neglecting workers and public investments.

Clarence Thomas faces fresh scrutiny over undisclosed luxury trips funded by billionaire

This has prompted renewed calls for his resignation and demands for stricter ethics reforms for the highest court in the land.

Russia’s war on Ukraine generates more emissions than 175 countries: $32 billion climate bill...

The first two years of Russia’s invasion resulted in greenhouse gas emissions equivalent to the annual emissions of 175 individual countries, further intensifying the global climate emergency.

Supreme Court upholds access to abortion pill

More than 6 million people have used mifepristone since 2000.