Tag: rent control
Justice Department sues six of the nation’s largest landlords in effort...
Together, the six landlords manage more than 1.3 million apartments in 43 states and the District of Columbia.
Biden proposes national rent control: Caps to target major corporate landlords...
The announcement, scheduled for Tuesday in Nevada, comes as Biden seeks re-election and tries to tackle one of the most pressing issues facing American renters.
Tenants demand a national renters bill of rights amidst skyrocketing rents...
Rising up for housing justice: tenants unite to demand a national renters bill of rights.
‘Renters are struggling’: economists back tenant-led push for federal rent control
"We have seen corporate landlords—who own a larger share of the rental market than ever before—use inflation as an excuse to hike rents and reap excess profits beyond what should be considered fair and reasonable."
Tenants push Biden for rent control on all government-backed housing
‘They got richer, and we got priced out!’