Thursday, May 16, 2024

Tag: Wall Street

By exploiting and mismanaging public pensions, Wall Street has cost taxpayers...

"Most people (including policymakers) still have no idea that skimming fees off public employees' retirement savings has become one of the largest sources of profits for Wall Street moguls."

‘Privatization is not the answer:’ Grave warnings as Wall Street vultures...

"It should instead focus on basic services and ensure that every Puerto Rican has access to safe public water."

For captured regulators, repealing the Volcker Rule is child’s play

One thing’s for certain: if there’s another financial crisis, it could make the last one look like child’s play.

Why the only answer is to break up the biggest Wall...

Why should banks ever be permitted to use peoples’ bank deposits – insured by the federal government – to place risky bets on the banks’ own behalf?

A Wall Street sin tax

It's time to put the Wall Street tax back on the table.

The retired General who stopped a Wall Street coup

General Smedley Butler blew the whistle on a millionaire-led effort to oust FDR and the New Deal.

How Wall Street enabled the fracking ‘revolution’ that’s losing billions

Imagine begging banks to stop loaning you money. And being ignored.

Why the DNC is fighting WikiLeaks and not Wall Street

With eyes on the prizes from corporate largesse, DNC officials don’t see downsides to whacking at WikiLeaks and undermining press freedom in the process.

The secret of the great American fracking bubble

The series will look at how fracking companies are shifting these epic losses to the American taxpayers.

Forget the Dow Jones. How’s Doug Jones?

The stock market is owned by the rich. It tells you little about how ordinary Americans are doing.


Trump’s alleged $1 billion oil deal exposed: Media blackout raises alarms

A stunning quid pro quo promise to Big Oil executives by former President Donald Trump receives scant coverage, raising questions about media integrity and democratic accountability.

Washington court reverses verdict against Bayer in PCBs case

A $185 million verdict against Pharmacia—a Monsanto spinoff—which sold now-banned chemicals called polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), was found liable in 2021 for chemical contamination.

The arsenal of genocide: The US weapons that are destroying Gaza

Our government has delayed a planeload or two of bombs and issued a report that fails to hold either the U.S. or Israel accountable for their war crimes.

Biden administration advances $1 billion arms sale to Israel amid ongoing Gaza conflict

As the U.S. prepares to ship another billion dollars’ worth of arms to Israel, progressive voices question the alignment with international humanitarian standards and the potential impacts on Palestinian civilian areas.

Trump’s alleged billion-dollar deal with oil magnates

Trump is reported to have offered a rollback of President Joe Biden’s environmental regulations in return for a staggering $1 billion towards his presidential re-election campaign.