Harold Wanless, a leading climatologist and geologist based at the University of Miami, returns to PRN.fm’s “This Can’t Be Happening!” program to revisit his year-ago claim that global warming and sea level rise are going to be much more severe than the consensus predictions of the UN Climate Committee, NASA, the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration and other official groups.
With recent reports of faster melting on Greenland and in both the Eastern and Western Antarctic, Prof. Wanless tells host Dave Lindorff that humans are now facing a catastrophe — one that could threaten people alive today.
He predicts sea levels rising by more than 20 feet by the end of the century, and adds that if methane begins seriously erupting from the Arctic permafrost and off the seafloor north of Siberia (where it’s already bubbling up), resulting ocean and atmospheric heating could cause a die-off of the sea’s phytoplankton, reducing oxygen in the atmosphere (currently 21%) to a point that could threaten large mammals, including us.
To hear this interview, which was recorded on Wednesday, April 1, just click here or on the image below.
Climatologist Harold Wanless says ice in Greenland and Antarctica is melting far faster than anticipated, in part because it turns out melting ice fractures, speeding the melting process exponentially over time