Today, voters in Iowa will vote for their respective presidential candidates. Recent polls show that Bernie Sanders is leading Hillary Clinton 51% to 43%. Turnout at the Iowa rallies over the weekend would support those polling results.
Bernie Sanders had nearly 4,000 people turn up at his rally in Iowa City over the weekend. There were so many people that several hundred had to be turned away due to max capacity.
Ok as a Columbia alum, have to say tonight on the job is pretty fun! @vampireweekend #BernieSanders #iowa pic.twitter.com/qsR6zXgS8q
— MaryAlice Parks (@maryaliceparks) January 31, 2016
Back stage at @BernieSanders‘ rock star party in Iowa https://t.co/MesvGRKdoX pic.twitter.com/WEVsUMteRM
— CNN Politics (@CNNPolitics) February 1, 2016
On caucus eve @BernieSanders tells thousands in Des Moines: “Sounds like you want to make a political revolution.” pic.twitter.com/v4CisnGUVN
— John Nichols (@NicholsUprising) February 1, 2016
Bernie Sanders’s latest eye-popping crowd in Iowa https://t.co/1Lx2h8ilnH pic.twitter.com/pbj1d7uR1p
— Chris Cillizza (@TheFix) February 1, 2016
The energy in the room is palpable! Bernie Sanders with @VampireWeekend & @JHutch1992 #BernieinIA #UnidosConBernie pic.twitter.com/iCpSJB1gfv
— Erika Andiola (@ErikaAndiola) January 31, 2016
w/ 2 days to the #iacaucus, @BernieSanders drawing bigger crowds than ever. Final stretch to phone bank and canvass! pic.twitter.com/LZE1WCoD4o
— NationalNursesUnited (@NationalNurses) January 31, 2016
.@BernieSanders campaign says 3,800 people on hand for rally at @uiowa in Iowa City. pic.twitter.com/sYE04aF05X
— Ken Thomas (@KThomasDC) January 31, 2016
Big crowd awaiting @BernieSanders in Iowa City. pic.twitter.com/nDdn5D3Yw4
— Ken Thomas (@KThomasDC) January 31, 2016
Live stream from Iowa City with @vampireweekend @fosterthepeople @jillsobule and others: https://t.co/rKrcl9uUkU
— Bernie Sanders (@BernieSanders) January 31, 2016
Meanwhile, Hillary Clinton was unable to even fill the bleachers at her last Iowa stop, and barely managed to fill half the room at a the Dubuque 5 Flags Center, with about 200 people.
As Bernie Sanders’ rallies attract thousands, Hillary’s final Iowa stop doesn’t even fill gym bleachers. pic.twitter.com/ltptVVKnUl
— Ken Klippenstein (@kenklippenstein) February 1, 2016
|REPLAY| (Live) Hillary Clinton speaks at the Dubuque 5 Flags Center #katch #Periscope https://t.co/WkCXnG7AS7 pic.twitter.com/pCK0BlZTKA #H…
— Hillary Live (@HillaryTvLive) January 29, 2016
Monday will tell if the enormous support Sanders seems to have plays out in the voting booths.