Bernie Sanders Fires Back Against Hillary Clinton’s False Accusations


After losing her temper and suddenly lashing out against a Greenpeace activist on Thursday, Hillary Clinton accused Sen. Bernie Sanders of lying about political contributions that she currently receives from the fossil fuel industry. Instead of reverting to childish insults, Sanders’ campaign supported their claims with evidence that Clinton has accepted more than $4.5 million from lobbyists and super PACs within the fossil fuel industry.

During a rally in New York on Thursday, Greenpeace activist Eva Resnick-Day asked Clinton if she would reject future fossil fuel donations to her campaign. Aggressively shoving her finger in Resnick-Day’s face, Clinton irritably responded, “I have money from people who have worked for fossil fuel companies. I have never… I am so sick of the Sanders campaign lying about me. I am sick of it.”

On Friday, Sanders’ campaign responded to her false allegations by pointing to evidence that she has received more than $4.5 million from lobbyists and individuals within the fossil fuel industry. At least 57 oil, gas, and coal industry lobbyists have contributed to Clinton’s campaign. And according to the Center for Responsive Politics, the Clinton campaign has accepted over $160,000 from employees of fossil fuel companies.

“It is disappointing that Secretary Clinton has leveled an accusation that just isn’t true,” Sanders’ campaign manager Jeff Weaver announced on Friday. “It’s very clear from research done by Greenpeace that she’s not just receiving money from ‘individuals’ who happen to work in the oil, coal, and gas industry. Fifty-seven lobbyists from the industry have personally given to her campaign and 11 of those lobbyists have bundled more than $1 million to help put her in the White House. If you include money given to super PACs backing Clinton, the fossil fuel industry has given more than $4.5 million in support of Clinton’s bid.”

Weaver continued, “Bernie believes it is critical that the next president acts to curb the worst effects of climate change by acting boldly to move our energy system away from fossil fuels. He also believes you cannot take on an industry if you take their money. If the Clinton campaign wants to argue that industry lobbyists giving thousands of dollars to her campaign won’t affect her decisions if she’s elected, that’s fine. But to call us liars for pointing out basic facts about the secretary’s fundraising is deeply cynical and very disappointing.”

According to the video of the incident, Clinton clearly lost her temper when questioned by the Greenpeace activist and ended up launching false accusations against Sanders. Ironically, Resnick-Day is a self-proclaimed undecided voter who was not supporting Sanders when she questioned Clinton’s stance on climate change while continuing to accept money from the fossil fuel industry.

Clinton was reportedly rattled a few minutes before the encounter with Resnick-Day when she heard roughly 20 Bernie supporters shouting, “If she wins, we lose!”


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