Breitbart’s Kris Kobach suggests deporting DACA recipients and their parents to keep families together

“If we’re worried about keeping families together, then the illegal alien parents who brought them here should also be removed to the home country along with the DACA recipient alien.”

SOURCEMedia Matters for America

From the September 5 edition of Fox News’ Fox & Friends:

ABBY HUNTSMAN (CO-HOST): You point out the important part, the legal side of this. But there’s also the emotional side. What do you do about the people that are already here? The 800,000 Dreamers? What do you do about separating families? Not everyone here is a criminal, a lot of them are just innocents, they’ve been living here most of their — all of their life, really. They’ve gone to school here. How do you balance the emotional side of this?

KRIS KOBACH: Well, let’s remember, one of the things that the open borders side always says is, “oh, they’re just children.” No, the average age — the median age is 25 of a DACA illegal alien, and they can be 36-years-old and still be getting the amnesty, and they claim to have come in before the age of 16. So, first of all, they’re not children.

Secondly, if we’re worried about keeping families together, then the illegal alien parents who brought them here should also be removed to the home country along with the DACA recipient alien. There’s nothing wrong with asking people to go home, and if they’ve been able to violate our laws for 10 years or more, well, congratulations, you got a huge benefit from the American taxpayer. You got best education in the Western Hemisphere, but now it’s time to go home, and if you want, get in line and try to come in legally with those hundreds of thousands of your fellow countrymen who are waiting to do it the the right way.


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