#ProtectMueller: Protests erupt in over 1,000 cities across the US

"Trump's attempt to be his own judge and jury is inconsistent with the rule of law and democracy."


‘This is not a drill.’ People all over the country in over 1,000 U.S. cities are protesting tonight after the forced resignation of Jeff Sessions by President Donald Trump.

Events started at 5:00 PM EST in response to Donald Trump removing Jeff Sessions from office and replacing him with notable Mueller investigation critic, Matthew Whitaker.

Protestors are marching to raise the alarm about the “existential threat” Whitaker poses to Mueller’s investigation and that “nobody is above the law.”

Find the protest nearest you here.

Progressive groups banded together in a rapid response after Jeff Session’s ‘resignation’ on Wednesday. “We will not allow Trump to get away with obstructing this criminal investigation, and we will not allow Congress to abdicate its responsibility under the Constitution. We don’t have dictators in America,” said Anna Galland, executive director of MoveOn Civic Action, one of several groups that organized the mobilization. “Trump’s attempt to be his own judge and jury is inconsistent with the rule of law and democracy.”

Demonstrators have gathered outside the White House in Washington D.C., Portland, Baltimore, Laguna Beach, Santa Ana, Eden Prairie, Omaha, Times Square, and hundreds of other cities.


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