A ‘plague on both houses’—still ends up a plague

Our planet is an imperfect place,/ A mirror to the human race.

Image Credit: Brewminate

Online forums shake with schisms,
Yet cheap shots focus our prisms—
Exposing with divisive thunder,
How to bruise the greatest number.

Obscure bombardiers pontificate,
So fixated, they ruin debate;
Besieged, they dump their null default, 
“Everyone stinks” is their gestalt.

Perhaps it’s misinformation,
Or drugs, boredom or vexation; 
Of course this cheerless multitude
Is absolute: “we’re totally screwed.” 

Their rote intellectual error
Distorts today’s reign of terror:
Incensed, they castigate each party— 
As equal spewers of malarkey.

Thus Democrats deflect attacks, 
Defamed, akin to right-wing hacks. 
Say what? Who alone spurs vicious riots
Or spews venomous race bias?

No Dem explodes fair elections
Because voter predilections
Elect the opposing candidate—
And a Democrat’s job truncate.

None devastate with gross deceit, 
Nor foment fury after defeat—
Defy certified local counts—
Or “child-eating” foes denounce.

Compare Democrats not to godheads,
But malicious Trumpist blockheads;
Elections bypass the eternals
When disdaining foul abnormals. 

To batter Dems as hardly perfect
Insults much thoughtful intellect;
Our planet is an imperfect place,
A mirror to the human race.

Whiners blind to core distinctions
Provoke ominous extinctions;
Few options lift us to rejoice, 
But fear what looms: the fascist choice.


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For over a decade, Robert S. Becker's independent, rebel-rousing essays on politics and culture analyze overall trends, history, implications, messaging and frameworks. He has been published widely, aside from Nation of Change and RSN, with extensive credits from OpEdNews (as senior editor), Alternet, Salon, Truthdig, Smirking Chimp, Dandelion Salad, Beyond Chron, and the SF Chronicle. Educated at Rutgers College, N.J. (B.A. English) and U.C. Berkeley (Ph.D. English), Becker left university teaching (Northwestern, then U. Chicago) for business, founding SOTA Industries, a top American high end audio company he ran from '80 to '92. From '92-02, he was an anti-gravel mining activist while doing marketing, business and writing consulting. Since then, he seeks out insight, even wit in the shadows, without ideology or righteousness across the current mayhem of American politics.