It’s only a mid-term—however daunting the threat

The remedy to fascist excess/ Is activist, real-world progress.

Image Credit: Christina Animashaun/Vox

A friend toasts equanimity 
When facing down iniquity;
Here’s therapy against despair—
Make “tough to scare” our nom de guerre.

Discernment differs from grievance,
The malady of whining deviants:
Ridiculous, suckered victims
Befuddled by cockeyed dictums.

Front and center stands lunacy—
Informing right-wing truancy; 
By delinking causes with effects 
They expose infernal defects. 

The terrified right, baffled by fate,
Must lie to distort its sorry state;
Incite violence, even “kill the bums,”  
As if that resolves their tantrums.

Adults know what they can’t control
Like absurd right-wing rigmarole;
The remedy to fascist excess
Is activist, real-world progress. 

Don’t let foes define “saboteurs,”
Especially trollish poseurs.
That’s how to relieve high tension: 
Resist the trap of fake dissension. 

The midterm is but one threshold,
Despite oozing noxious slime mold;
Perhaps the right will take the House,
But all they’ll do is whine and grouse.

Yahoos programmed for disaster
Assured if Trump’s the ringmaster;
The chances of his renomination
Shrivel from self-incrimination. 

Gaslighting fuels the Trumpist trance.
Aren’t marks bored with his rancid dance?
To nonsense the GOP is captive,
Making its con radioactive.

Is this more than mass hysteria,
Fed by endless Trump bacteria?
One cure resolves this nightmare:
Never give up, never despair.


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