Trump falls hard when his fixated, unforgiving base turns tail

Trump’s a tedious, malign vampire,/ But MAGA fuels the fiery liar.

Image Credit: Nell Redmond/AP Photo

Peevish trolls find my tone and manner
Disdainful of the Trumpist banner;
Not so—I get their sorehead grievance: 
Furtive forces do drive malfeasance.

Entrenched elites have taken charge,
Unchecked scoundrels overcharge;
Bedeviled workers face tough sieges, 
Cornered by “free market” wage squeezes.

That, progressives well understand:
Wasted lives, outside one’s command. 
No doubt, bitter anger fits this frame,
But not paranoid, treasonous blame.

Disgraced, acting out, in decline
Trump’s beyond his use-by deadline;
What keeps the culprit so grandiose
Is shared gang hate of scam scapegoats.

While Trump remains the evil trigger,
Sans his base, mere sleazy gold digger;
The facile ensnared by this albatross
Provoke their own second double-cross. 

As Trump parades more blatant farces, 
Crystal clear the responsible arses:
What foolhardiness twists this pariah
Into their own absurd messiah? 

How tawdry are the fixated loyal, 
Treating a clownish fool as royal.
Bewitched by his criminal bravado,
They share guilt with their desperado.

While juries indict breakers of laws,
Are not enablers fellow outlaws?
As Trump made ‘merica worse again—
His pack incited our worst migraine.

Trump’s a tedious, malign vampire
But MAGA fuels the fiery liar;
Even when infamy gets arraigned,
Chaos rules until millions are shamed.  


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