Coalition implores Biden: Reject ‘inhumane’ program cuts amid fiscal negotiations

An unyielding stance against austerity measures as government shutdown approaches.


In an impassioned plea echoing through the corridors of power in Washington, D.C., the ProsperUS coalition, a formidable alliance of 87 organizations, has delivered a stark message to President Biden: resist any legislative moves that would erode funding for indispensable domestic programs. This collective voice, representing a broad spectrum of movement groups, labor organizations, think tanks, and advocates, has emerged to confront a possible government shutdown precipitated by what it describes as an “extreme minority” in the House bent on severe spending reductions.

A rallying cry for economic justice and community support

As reported by HuffPost, the coalition’s letter is a tapestry of urgent demands and reflective observations on the state of national funding priorities. It highlights the persistent shortfall in non-defense discretionary (NDD) programs, a trend the coalition argues has weakened the fabric of America’s social safety nets, undercutting programs like WIC, Head Start, and housing assistance that bolster economic vitality.

The letter admonishes the Fiscal Responsibility Act’s impending “painful cuts,” painting them as antithetical to the economic stability millions depend on. It urges President Biden and congressional leaders to dismiss the radical fringes advocating for austerity and instead pass appropriations that fortify workers, families, and communities.

Voices from the frontline of progressive advocacy

Prominent figures in the coalition have spoken out, emphasizing the critical nature of the moment. Bilal Baydoun of Groundwork Collaborative stresses the non-negotiable nature of public investments in economic recovery, while Jhumpa Bhattacharya from the Maven Collaborative juxtaposes the vast expenditures on international conflict with the fraying threads of domestic welfare programs.

Kristin Rowe-Finkbeiner, the head of MomsRising, details the tangible stakes for families nationwide, with government funding being a lifeline for child care and food security. Karen Dolan of the Institute for Policy Studies speaks to the transformational impact of American Rescue Plan investments, lamenting the harm caused by their cessation.

A united front against cut proposals amid fiscal dealings

In the shadow of a potential government shutdown and with a temporary spending measure’s expiration on the horizon, the ProsperUS coalition’s warning is unequivocal. Despite the avoidance of cuts in a recently passed bill, the specter of future reductions looms, with proposals targeting education, agriculture, justice, and vital IRS functions meant to curb tax evasion among the affluent.

The undercurrent of public opinion

Amid these tensions, ProsperUS champions the notion of reinvestment in American society, upholding the public’s overwhelming disapproval of slashing fundamental programs. The coalition’s narrative is underlined by a national desire for investment in educators, infrastructure, and children’s well-being—components deemed instrumental in securing a stable and prosperous future.

The road ahead

As the deadline draws near, ProsperUS’s challenge to the Biden administration is clear: reject any retreat from the commitment to nurture the nation’s socio-economic ecosystem. In doing so, they amplify a debate that extends beyond the political arena, striking at the heart of American values and the vision for its future.

For further information and detailed positions of the coalition, inquiries can be directed to, where representatives stand ready to articulate their stance on the path forward amidst these critical negotiations.


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