How ten holier-than-thou MAGA dictates threaten to invert Jesus’ biblical commandments

Because a Christian God rules the universe, Christians should naturally run government.


Join the MAGA vigilante posse—just amp up your cultist pride, vanity, denial, connivance and control manias

The inspired seer called Jesus would turn over in his grave, whatever the metaphysical reality of his finale. The moral mandates that Jesus (and Jews and many others) taught is accessible to all, however challenging: practice universal compassion, charity, kindness, temperance in behavior, repentance, care for the sick and impoverished, tolerance and respect for others, especially outsiders, and the unrealistic instruction to “love thy enemy.” 

In short, these most humane Biblical teachings align with all major world religions: to wit, “Do unto others as you would have they do to you.” As google AI summarizes: “The Golden Rule is known as the ethic of reciprocity, which means that people should treat others the way they would like to be treated in return. The rule’s corollary is the ‘silver rule,’ which focuses on restraint and non-harm.” Where’s any allegation that inflated grievance driven by resentment drives true moral action? Satan is condemned to Hell for his deluded feeling of “injured merit.” Jesus focuses on redemption through virtuous community deeds. 

Because Jesus endorsed the Golden Rule in Matthew and Luke, its strict Christian urgency is unimpeachable. Thus does the gospel of Jesus reject clear opposites: wrath, hatred, racial bigotry, cruelty, intolerance, envy, contempt for the other, certainly abuse of women and children (by extension civilian murder during unjust wars). Does Trump or Trumpism have a clue what “repentance” of error even means, the opposite of never apologize. Nowhere does the New Testament justify power for its own sake, ruthlessness, violence, exploitation and demonization of unbelievers. Later Christianity codified (and distorted) notions of good and evil, man vs. nature, even “invented” the notion of original sin (unmentioned by Jesus), and divinely-ordained tribal superiority that justifies crusades, religious wars and the destruction of “unbelievers.” 

In logic, opposite means opposite

In these terms, MAGA Christianity, especially the use of force to mandate morality, is not only different from Jesus’ higher consciousness but violates a swath of his core values. What emanates from Trump bluster, most lackeys, and the rabid anti-abortion forces that enforce inhumane practices without Biblical support, is enmity, demonization of non-White Christians, and judgmental scorn at odds with “love thy neighbor.” 

No where is the ruthlessness that “only winning matters,” bearing false witness (lying), violent attacks on others (not in self-defense) deemed anything but sinful. No such presumptive good person endorses raw power over compassion, partisan superiority for control, or moral self-entitlement so absolute, so divinely-commanded, to justify domination over those with equally divine souls and thus human rights. 

To wit, here are the unJesus-like, Holy MAGA dictates just before Trumpism re-enters the White House:

1) Winning is everything. To win means (impugned) opponents must lose; the cultish ends justify any unConstitutional means; grievance-driven violence is a moral necessity, elevating radical individualism and the glorified gun culture; assertion that an entitled minority party deserves national leadership. 

2) Righteousness rules. White, racist Christian nationalism asserts that America, founded as a Christian country, must return forthwith, with theological mandates to control behavior. That fuels rejection of secular, modern culture, intolerance towards unbelieving neighbors, marginalizing dissent and treating foes as inferior traitors. Because a Christian God rules the universe, Christians should naturally run government. 

3) Misogyny. Thus, sex crusaders against independent, self-reliant women, childless singles, judging the unmarried pregnant as sinful, plus all of those dealing with complex gender conflicts and challenges. 

4) Retribution against law-abiding citizens, threatening indictments against invented “traitors” to MAGA America, critics, pundits, minorities, newcomers, undocumented (and legal) immigrants, with policies to oppress, divide families, renege on promises, and use forceful deportation of needed workers.

5) Minority Rule rules, despite centuries of world-wide justice behind majoritarian decision making, valuing the greatest good for the greatest number. Thus an irate minority vetoes any legitimate elections it loses, thus impugning voting and voting laws while enacting voter suppression and intimidation.

6) Reality rejection via shameless lying, phony promises, wildly wrong distortions, conspiracies, rejection of science and expertise. Substitution of verifiable truth with nonsense, conspiracies, or outright mendacity.

7) Dictatorship and Oligarchy. Rejection of disliked laws on the books, courts, trials, the integrity of the Constitution, traditions and legacies. Empowerment of ever-greedy billionaire libertarian materialism. 

8) Unjustified victimization and perpetual grievance against a fairly elected, legally legitimate, self-regulating government. The elevation of gut instinct, driven by resentment, over reason and fairness. 

9) Fanatic rejection of abortion by government enforcementdespite its absence, let alone endorsement in the Old or New Testament (and blindness to historic brutality towards unwanted children—and those abandoned today).

10) Cult obsession with the personality of the “perfect, inerrant” leader, always to be believed and followed, whatever the bad outcomes. The conviction, in the face of alleged social dissolution, that only an empowered, dictatorial strongman can restore proper MAGA/Christian order and judge which rules count and which criminal convictions don’t. Otherwise, chaos rules, America is toast, and civic order disintegrates.

Thus, whatever his voters believe, too much of Trumpism and the MAGA right come down to hypocrisy, unapologetic lying, fantasy distortions, bizarro conspiracies and its “never give the (losing) sucker an even break” mantra. Oh yeah, MAGA hates intrusive government (especially when protecting everyone’s health, safety, and environment), rejects our judicial system when prosecuting its victimized heroes, slanders opponents and the press as enemies, and treats convict Trump as its messiah. In short, in action and word Trump represents a repudiation of what Jesus taught, turning the highest Biblical values upside down. Trump instead worships the dark, avaricious machinations of super-rich libertarians demanding the world be his and their profit center. 

In this totally transactional Trump world, banish dead notions of principled heroism, even true martyrdom, doing what’s right whatever the personal costs. Any “deal” that shrinks one’s total take is rejected out of hand, as if immoral. Extreme self-interest, measured not in community health and welfare, but private, inheritable property  determines all grab-and-hold takings. What distinguishes Don-Old is the obviousness of his calculated shock politics con—and the cravenness of his quest for fame, power and the illusion he’s somehow really important. 

If Jesus was about anything, like other world-changing visionaries, it was to deliver potent injunctions against rampant egotism and the immense dangers of selfish excesses, to community and soul alike. Thus the cardinal sin of pride vs. the glory of compassion. One struggles to imagine Jesus of Nazareth not being flabbergasted by today’s golden papal digs—and the vast wealth of the global church given his name. 

Finally, in setting forth obvious contradictions between foundational Christian teachings and Trumpism, what manifestly proves the opposition is that Trump’s entire career is a serial barrage against the values proclaimed by the Ten Commandments. Can anyone unearth one instance of selflessness that served a larger community. That the re-elected president speaks as if the most forceful Christian avatar only puts center stage the inexhaustible irony, if not painful dark humor, unearthed when tracking the swells of history. 


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