Tag: religion
How ten holier-than-thou MAGA dictates threaten to invert Jesus’ biblical commandments
Because a Christian God rules the universe, Christians should naturally run government.
Exclusive prayer for $100K: Trump’s Inauguration Committee faces criticism over ‘pay-to-pray’...
Trump’s inauguration committee faces scrutiny for exorbitant ticket prices to interfaith prayer event.
Only one last ‘Christian’* vote? But there’s a silver lining
Forget whether outcomes are legit, / Now ended by mobs with holy writ.
Why Trump is partnering with Christian Nationalists
Trump is playing to a rising white Christian Nationalist movement within the Republican Party.
Legal battle looms as Louisiana mandates Ten Commandments in classrooms
Republican Governor Jeff Landry signed House Bill 71 into law, mandating that the Ten Commandments be displayed in "large, easily readable font" in public classrooms by the start of 2025.
Unmasking the weaponization of Islamophobia in US foreign policy
Rutgers report highlights how anti-Muslim bigotry fuels pro-Israel bias in American politics.
Bill Baird’s battle for legalized abortion and Roe v. Wade
"This is a religious war,” says Baird of the intense push to make abortion illegal.“
‘Father, forgive them for they know not what they do.’
We simply cannot forgive those who are doing to our world what we see happening right now.
Supreme Court blocks New York’s restrictions on religion amid COVID-19
The Supreme Court's majority ruled that "even in a pandemic, the Constitution cannot be put away and forgotten."