Michael A. Allen Carla Martinez Machain and Michael E. Flynn
Michael A. Allen researchs topics including power, war, and asymmetry in relations between states and other actors. Much of my work has focused on US military deployments and basing overseas. Currently, I am part of a research team working on a Minerva Initiative and Army Research Office grant that examines the positive and negative effects of US troops deployments and how those effects are perceived by people within countries hosting US troops.
Carla Martinez Machain is an Associate Professor of Political Science at Kansas State University. She received her Ph.D. in Political Science from Rice University in May 2012. She also received her B.A. from Rice University, in Economics and Political Science in 2007. Martinez Machain’s research (funded by the Department of Defense’s Minerva Initiative and the Army Research Office, among others) focuses on foreign policy analysis, with a focus on military policy and international conflict. In particular, she has been engaged in work on conflict outcomes, defense cooperation, and repression and has done fieldwork in Europe and Central and South America. Much of her work focuses on the various effects of U.S. troop deployments abroad on host states’ policy. Her work has appeared in various journals, including the Journal of Conflict Resolution, International Studies Quarterly, the Journal of Peace Research, and Conflict Management and Peace Science, and has won the Palmer Prize from the Peace Science Society and the Frank J. Klingberg Award from the International Studies Association Midwest. Martinez Machain has also served as region President for ISA Midwest and Section Program Chair for the SSIP section of the ISA. She currently serves as part of the editorial team for the ISA journal International Interactions.
Michael E. Flynn's work focuses primarily on the political economy of foreign policy and national security. My more specific research interests involve the causes and consequences of military deployments, conflict processes, and human rights issues.
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