Wednesday, May 8, 2024

‘Focus’ on the Neo Nazi revival

This resurgence of the Alt-Right (which has always been with us) is leading the way to much more heinous acts and justifications for such thought.

Ed Norton Occupies the World

“Empires fold up when either they get overrun or their citizens have had enough.”

What to do about the water

You don’t have to be a person in poverty to see water as a real problem.

The two 500 lb. gorillas in the room

Who needs the super rich? I don’t. Do you?

The elite’s COVID-19 coup against a terrified humanity: Resisting powerfully

Given that the statistics clearly show that the COVID-19 ‘pandemic’ is already fading in most places where it previously had serious impact, it is possible that the global elite will not complete its execution of this coup against humanity in the near future.

Demand another Camp David Accord

Whatever the solution, it has to be one in which the populace is disarmed and cannot confront one another.

Family values?

Just like all of the aforementioned (so called) leaders we have elected, Mr. Trump will do what the real ‘Deep State’ or Military Industrial Empire orders him to do. That is the real family that these men all belong to.

Libertarians’ False Assumptions about Economics

“There exists overwhelming empirical evidence that the increase inequality of wealth produces, in itself, a happier and more peaceful society.”

Black female Veep for Biden

The word out is that Biden should select a black woman as his running mate. But which one?

From Charity to Mayhem

“To address this affliction Americans need to scrap the entire idea of radical individualism and replace it with a community-minded version of social democracy. How likely is that? Well, I would not hold my breath.”