Monday, May 6, 2024

Earth to Portland: Dispatch from the nation’s problem child

It’s time for us to show the world that Portland is a town of peace warriors. Let’s practice activism that everyone can participate in, including our children.

The Democrats just helped the Greens!

By Trump doing his thing the Greens will attract millions of working stiffs once they realize that it doesn't have to be mutiny to leave the Democratic Party's safe refuge anymore.

Teaching mindfulness for a better tomorrow

When a child is taught how to be mindful, they can let go of that weight sooner and will be able to better manage their symptoms.

Conflict theory and biosphere annihilation

If you are not able to emulate Gandhi (at least ‘in spirit’) by living modestly, it is your own emotional dysfunctionality – particularly unconscious fear – that is the problem that needs to be addressed.

The military cost of protecting oil with a case study of Iraq invasion

The primary motive of the war is to control Iraqi’s oil production to sustain the global oil flows and to keep a check on prices.

It’s time

“It is time to end this dance with death. Good people deserve good leaders. Good leaders would quickly negotiate and effect nuclear disarmament.”

EPA, national clean energy progression over nearly 50 years

Each renewable investment and green energy company initiative represents a milestone in the journey to a cleaner environment.

Nonviolence or nonexistence? The legacy of Martin Luther King Jr.

Reverend King posed the fundamental choice of our time: nonviolence or nonexistence. What is your choice?

Murderers for Trump

In the end, the opposition to Trump will either unite and learn nonviolent discipline or it is quite likely to fail to stop the death spiral of our democracy.

Why Set Up a Shell Company in Panama? The Psychology Driving Illicit Financial Flows

“Whatever else they do, the Panama Papers give us insight into the extent of the psychological damage suffered by wealthy elites and those who serve them.”