Monday, May 6, 2024

Military Madness

Nearly 50 years and nothing ever changes, does it?

Building a new political, economic and social structure

“We’re glad to see Trump go, but we don’t have a lot of hope in Biden. We really need something new, different, and better.”

Challenges for Joe Biden And Kamala Harris

“To overcome these challenges -- to restore the soul and to secure the future of America -- requires more than words. It requires that most elusive of things in a democracy: Unity.”

The Opportunist and the Fanatics

How long will the marriage of convenience between the opportunist Donald Trump and the fanatics of the NRA last?

TrumPutin: Jobs, security, and buyer’s remorse

The Trump cabinet is defining itself as a military junta with predatory extractive capitalist cronies and climate change deniers a sort of General Goldman Sachs composite.

Citadels of paranoia; panoramas of despair: An occupation of phantoms.

Despair seems an apt response to events one cannot reconcile, of circumstances of which one cannot gain perspective nor control.

Twilight Zone Amerika: Woody Allen meets Rod Serling

The ‘Big Lie’ can only work when too many of us continue to lie to ourselves.

Dead end Amerika

We who ‘know better’ should teach our young that Socialism is not totalitarianism, or fascism. Rather, it can be a solution to this terrible and deadly income polarization our nation has been operating under.

A pandemic of fallacious thinking and civic irresponsibility: Part two – A psychological analysis

The Virus is a big deal, Period! It’s one of the worst calamities to strike in modern times.

Killing the dream 50 years on

Perhaps conspiracy theories had been put on ice for awhile, but the nation only became more divided over Vietnam.