Monday, May 6, 2024

The Anti-Empire Report #149

So why then does the American power elite hate Putin so? It can be dated back to the period of Boris Yeltsin.

You cannot trap the ‘magic rat’: Trump, Congress and geopolitics

The ‘magic rat’ is simply the mechanism by which an unconscious and terrified mind instantly switches its attention from something frightening to something more pleasant to avoid having any time to consciously engage with the presented information.

War, what is it good for?

What the grifter community calls the Long Con is to attack a country on false claims, destroy much of its infrastructure, occupy the damaged mess you created and make gazillions from taxpayer money.

Whether Sauds, in Effect, Own the U.S. Government

“A dollar paid by a member of the Saudi royal family (or any other foreigner) smells just as sweet to a U.S. Government official as does a dollar paid by an American, especially in the current era of untraceable offshore accounts.”

Will Hillary Take Plutocratic ‘Clinton, Inc.’ Global?

Welcome to the new series, “The Hero of a Thousand Escapes.” What other celebrity political duo instantly transforms any election into melodrama at best, family intrigue at worse, rife with influence peddling, suspect donations, policy failures (NAFTA, health care), strategic blunders (Libya, Syria, China), and bungled secrecy that inevitably gets unmasked? The greatest downside to President Hillary is elevation of first female whose gender novelty promises no jolts to the grievous status quo nor confrontation to the plutocracy that funds it (and her). Forget her age: Hillary's range (and clientele) represent something new and more dangerous.

Inherit the hypocrisy

If we do not stand up and protest this fanaticism... "He that troubleth his own house will inherit the wind..."

Forty plus years later & nothing changes

“It took me 13 years before I ever attempted to get a job with a corporation again.”

Dust in the wind

We have two evils, masquerading as political parties, controlling our nation’s political system.

Too much bull excrement!!

All those nice and decent companies want to see you through this, of course, IF you use their products or services.

On track for extinction: Can humanity survive?

Unless we include addressing this dysfunctional individual and collective psychological state in our strategy to avert human extinction, we will ultimately fail and extinction will indeed be our fate.