Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Our movements are greater than Trump

Together, we can build popular power that will effectively challenge the elite power holders.

After thousands of years, western science is slowly catching up to Indigenous knowledge

New research about how birds use fire to get a broader food supply comes as no surprise to Indigenous people.

Betsy DeVos needs an education on ethics

The student loan sharks who prey on veterans and single moms have a friend in Trump's education secretary.

Progressive Briefing for Monday, June 25, 2018

Poor People's Campaign marches on Washington, Saudi Arabia lifts the ban on women driving, Sarah Huckabee Sanders is kicked out of a restaurant, and more.

Mass protests meet Trump-Putin summit in Helsinki over human rights, free speech, climate action

As the two leaders drove from the airport to their summit, they were met by 300 billboards in English and Russian that were posted by the country’s leading newspaper, Helsingin Sanomat.

A path to freedom? Journalist Mumia Abu-Jamal wins chance to reargue appeal in 1981...

On Thursday, a Philadelphia judge ruled Abu-Jamal can reargue his appeal in the case before the Pennsylvania Supreme Court.

“Water is life”: Midwestern floods threaten Indigenous communities at forefront of climate crisis

As Nebraska and the U.S. Midwest recover from devastating climate change-fueled floods, we speak with Lakota historian Nick Estes on how two centuries of indigenous resistance created the movement proclaiming “Water is life.”

Native American voting rights take center stage at Standing Rock congressional hearing

In North Dakota, members of Congress will hear testimony about barriers to the ballot box.

A ‘Poor People’s Moral Budget’ because ‘everybody has the right to live’

"For too long, we have turned to those with wealth and power to solve our most pressing social problems."

Thanksgiving in spite of it all

Why, in the era of the Worst President Ever, with racism and violence erupting with special virulence for the past three years, should we offer thanks?