Friday, May 3, 2024

March for Science: NationofChange marches with thousands in Earth Day protests

The momentum to bring back respect for science has started.

Here are some of the ways Bill O’Reilly gave us Trump and cheapened America

The O’Reilly Factor is dead. But Fox will just go on polluting the airwaves.

Bill O’Reilly ousted from Fox News amid sexual scandals

O’Reilly continues to deny the allegations against him. As a living testament to hypocrisy, O’Reilly has built a career promoting family values.

Why the hell did the New York Times just hire a climate denier?

New columnist Bret Stephens writes drivel as the world burns.

Wildfires are essential: The Forest Service embraces a tribal tradition

The Karuk were once denied the right to practice an ancient tradition. Now scientific and resource management circles are seeing the merits of controlled burning.

Chris Hedges and Albert Raboteau on ‘American Prophets’ importance in an age of radical...

Watch the two thinkers talk about Raboteau’s book, which discusses the work of religious figures such as Dorothy Day, Thomas Merton and Martin Luther King, Jr.

A nation of the walking dead

The corporate state will expand our access to a variety of opioids and numbing situations to temporarily alleviate our stress, financial dislocations, depression and anxiety.

How broadcast networks covered climate change in 2016

The networks failed to devote significant coverage to climate-related policies, but they still found the time to uncritically air climate denial.

Poetry: 4 12-liners for political times

It never occurs to us that we've come to appear much like the devils that we ourselves fear.