Sunday, June 16, 2024

Meet the activist who called Piers Morgan an “idiot” for criticizing anti-Trump protests in...

Massive protests have greeted President Trump during his two-day trip to Britain—including a 20-foot-long giant baby Trump blimp outside Parliament.

Chomsky: Arrest of Assange is ‘scandalous’ and highlights shocking extraterritorial reach of US

"Why is it acceptable for the United States to have the power to even begin to give even a proposal to extradite somebody whose crime is to expose to the public materials that people in power don’t want them to see?"

NYU School of Medicine announces free tuition for current and future students studying to...

"They walk out of here unencumbered, looking at a future where they can do what their passion tells them, which is to help people live better quality lives."

America’s children: Caught in the cross hairs of the NRA and the gun industry

How in the world did we ever get to this low point in our history when the fear of being killed is now planted into the minds of our children?

A united front is the right strategy to defeat authoritarianism

With a second Trump term, all hope of progressive change is gone. With a Biden Presidency, with hard work and mass mobilization, there is at least a chance for a better and more progressive America.

‘Tis the nightmare before chaos

When rational essays struggle to capture all the madness, what other choice for writers but satiric sadness?

Everybody does better when everybody does better

Populism – neither right nor left, Republican or Democrat – it is not based on ideology, but on two gut-level fundamentals.

Big business won’t save us from itself

Nearly 200 CEOs have signed a pledge to “do better” than serving their own greed. How? They won’t say.

Teachers are on a tightrope with no safety net

The hybrid model teachers are being thrust into during the pandemic isn’t sustainable without more resources and support.

Is remote work as sustainable as we think it is?

The positives of remote work do tend to outweigh the negatives in regard to environmental sustainability.