Saturday, May 25, 2024

Shutting things down to open things up

Have you heard about the life-affirming, healing power of direct action? You might need it. You may think direct...

#FamiliesBelongTogether rallies around the country

Rallies nationwide have popped up to call out local officials and government policies that separate children at the border.

Amazon’s defeat in NYC galvanizes movement to end billion-dollar corporate welfare

The lawmakers who took down Amazon say their victory is just the beginning of a major fight against tax subsidies for huge companies.

There won’t be another Jimmy Breslin, but we need more like him in the...

It's not that good journalists aren't out there, they just don't get published.

Regulating tech is only half the job: Changing the underlying attitudes is the real...

Culture is largely responsible for up to 80% and more of what goes on in organizations.

Media don’t factcheck right-wing migration myths

Right-wing media figures and Republican politicians get little pushback when they promote evidence-free, often absurd claims about incentives for unauthorized immigration.

On Labor Day, US workers are 1/3 poorer than in 2003 & top 1%...

Since the government supplies services to people, and it can no longer afford to provide the same level of service, this “tax cut” is actually a tax on workers.

Fox & Friends attacks public schools for teaching climate change and LGBTQ issues

Pete Hegseth: Parents “don't understand that even our public schools today ... have an agenda”

NRA’s news outlet smears Women’s March as violent by equating it with a completely...

The NRA seems to be unaware that the Women’s March made headlines because it was peaceful and there were “exactly zero arrests” that day.

In 33 years the richest 10% of Americans could have 100% of US wealth

The three men at the top of the Forbes 400 richest list hold more wealth than the total wealth of the poorest half of Americans, so how many of you are really surprised?