Friday, July 26, 2024

McDonald’s Black History Month Gambit Can’t Obscure Its Inequitable Practices

McDonald’s can blow its sizeable PR budget trying to convince its customers otherwise, but its corporate actions speak for themselves.

How Best to Train the Next Generation of Activists? Give Them Chores

Teaching kids to leave things better than they found them work not only on bedrooms and kitchens, but also on the world's bigger messes.

How the U.S. Went Fascist: Mass Media Make Excuses for Trump Voters (Video)

When Benjamin Franklin was asked by a lady after the Constitutional Convention what sort of government the US had, he said, “A Republic, Madame, if you can keep it.” You have to wonder if we can keep it.

This Pastor Is Sleeping Outside Until His Church Accepts LGBT People

"It’s a God thing." Pastors are prohibited from officiating same-sex weddings in Michael Tupper’s denomination, the United Methodist Church (UMC), and those that do are often put on trial within the church.

Fortune Magazine Names Monsanto One Of The “World’s Most Admired Companies”

For those of you who don’t know, Monsanto is one of the wealthiest multinational corporations in the world and is also one of the most ruthless. But they have a false image of innocence.

NBA Superstar Ray Allen to Open Organic Fast-Food Restaurant

Ray Allen and his wife, Shannon Allen, are launching an organic fast-food restaurant in Miami called Grown.

Hit Piece on Sanders Proposals Relies on Pro-Clinton Economists Mislabeled as ‘Leftists’

NY Times runs hit piece on Sanders and his Medicare-for-all health plan, citing four supposedly independent "left-leaning" economists, all of whom actually worked for the Clinton and/or Obama administrations, are not "left-leaning" and who are actually Clinton backers.

New Fox News National Poll Shows Bernie Sanders Leading Hillary Clinton

The new poll is the first to show Clinton trailing Sanders. Similar polls show Bernie behind, but closing the gap.

WATCH: John Oliver Blasts Republicans for Failing to do Their Job

John Oliver couldn't help tearing the GOP apart for their actions following Justice Scalia's death.

Right-Wing Media Smear Sanders With ‘Ridiculous’ Comparison To Nazi Ideology

Right-wing media have been smearing Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT), who identifies himself as a democratic socialist, by comparing his ideology to that of Adolf Hitler and his National Socialist German Workers’ (Nazi) Party. Experts have called the comparison “inaccurate,” “outrageous,” and “a trivialization of history.”