Friday, July 26, 2024

The Mainstream Media Wants You to Doubt Bernie Sanders’ Activism

Mainstream media jumped at the opportunity to discredit Bernie Sanders when a group of alumni came forward claiming a famous picture of Sanders speaking before a civil rights protest was actually of someone else.

WATCH: Bernie Sanders Stops by Saturday Night Live

What did you think of the Bernie Sanders and Larry David sketch?

The Five Worst Foreign Policy Moments of the GOP New Hampshire Debate (Video)

The New Hampshire GOP debate’s most charged moments may have been mostly on domestic issues, but, inevitably with this gang, war, torture and sundry mayhem did make an appearance.

The Media Win Iowa! Will They Carry New Hampshire?

Round one goes not to the candidates but the media, which reasserted its dominance over the political process — for now.

Why Media Should Be Skeptical Of Koch Brothers’ New Anti-Poverty Group

Media should know that: previous Koch-backed poverty and education efforts have been coupled with ideological proselytizing, Stand Together's executive director is a Koch veteran and former Republican congressional candidate who repeatedly fearmongered about the Affordable Care Act (ACA)

San Francisco Clears Out Homeless Ahead Of The Super Bowl

Millions of fans will descend on the city, but the homeless have been moved elsewhere.

The Republican Trumpless Debate

Fox News hosted its Republican debate last week without Donald Trump. So how did it go?

The Post’s Wrong-headed Attack on Bernie Sanders’s Health Plan

The Post attacks Sanders for failing to have a “plausible” plan for plugging looming deficits as the American population ages.

Spin Shift on Bernie: The Escalating Media Assault

Donald Trump is to Bernie Sanders as Archie Bunker is to Jon Stewart.

The Suicide of the Liberal Church

The liberal denominations and their seminaries, by betraying the poor, especially people of color, in a desperate bid to stay financially solvent, are making themselves obsolete.