Sunday, June 16, 2024

Observing elites manipulate our fear: COVID-19, propaganda and knowledge

If we do not take measures, the insane global elite will continue to manipulate us into doing its bidding, usually using more insidious techniques than COVID-19, until human beings cease to exist.

We won’t go back to normal, because normal was the problem

When a global pandemic strikes, the private-sector austerity model simply falls apart.

Our #1 objective must be: Drastically reduce the fear and panic among Americans

Fear begets fear, panic begets panic, but only if we allow it to continue to happen.

Judgment day for the national security state

The coronavirus and the real threats to American safety and freedom...

Which side are you on?

Coalition is what we need in our country. Individual rights, yes, but coalition is needed to combat emergencies.

Death of the ‘usual’ economic evolution and the emergence of the new

With crisis comes opportunity, the possibility for growth and realignment with purpose; for change to take place—change that inculcates harmony, allowing for that which has hitherto been inhibited to be to be expressed.

Coronavirus is a historic trigger event — and it needs a movement to respond

Even in times of social distancing, building a collective, social response to the pandemic is our only salvation.

What the coronavirus says about us

Trump’s message to governors on lifesaving medical equipment — “get it yourselves” — is grimly appropriate in a country without national health care.

Look at life and realize what it means

All of us should be striving for a better society as our goal in life.

We’re in a recession, and it’s likely to get worse

The shortcomings of U.S. economic policy, the healthcare system, and workers’ rights are being magnified by the current crisis.