Friday, May 17, 2024

Four reasons why millennials don’t have any money

If we don’t start trying to reduce this generational wealth gap millions of young Americans will struggle to find financial security for the rest of their lives.

How LOW Can You Go?

There has been an epidemic throughout our nation that is more deadly than any flu or opioid addiction. Simply said it is this low brow culture that has inculcated all walks of life.

3 big ways that the US will change over the next decade

Hispanics and the other racial minorities will be the country’s main demographic engine of population change in future years; this is the most significant demographic change Americans will see.

Bon Jovi feeds the hungry opening the doors to his third community restaurant

"What this restaurant is truly meant to do is empower."

Dangerous women embracing risk to change the world: Ava DuVernay, Ai-jen Poo, Abigail Disney...

“I didn’t ask for forgiveness ever or permission ever. I just did what I thought was right.”

10 good things about 2019

Remembering some of the gains in the difficult year of 2019 can help inspire us for the critical struggles ahead.

We are the majority; we must turn that into power

We are building toward being a movement that can make transformational changes over the next decade.

Protest has helped define the first two decades of the 21st century – here’s...

The fortunes of popular protest may well depend on whether the collective leadership of the movements can provide answers to it.

Kansas City, Missouri implements Zero Fare Transit; first major US city to do so

While other cities such as Los Angeles, Salt Lake City, and Denver have floated around the idea, Kansas City is now the first U.S. city to offer fare-free transit.

Denouncing corporate climate profiteers, comedy icon Lily Tomlin arrested at #FireDrillFriday protest in DC

"These corporations are making oodles of money on the front end, oodles of money on the back end. It is beyond reprehensible."