Monday, May 6, 2024

Rush Limbaugh suggests New Zealand shootings might be a false flag attack committed by...

Limbaugh: "There's an ongoing theory that the shooter himself may in fact be a leftist who writes the manifesto and then goes out and performs the deed purposely to smear his political enemies"

Federal minimum wage stagnant for 3,615 days, a ‘shameful’ period in history

"I've been criticized for this so let me say it again: the federal minimum wage of $7.25/hr is a starvation wage. Every worker deserves a living wage of at least $15 an hour."

Texas nonprofit aims to solve two problems: Homelessness and environmental cleanup

To date, the program has paid out over $100,000 in earned income and helped 24 individuals experiencing homelessness secure stable housing.

In pandemic, Sunday shows centered official voices, sidelined independent health experts

While the Sunday shows have always leaned heavily on politicians, other public officials, and their surrogates, this skew is more pronounced than FAIR has found in the past.

Follow Alabama’s lead on child care

If one of our poorest states can rise to meet this basic human need, why can’t Congress?

Dinner versus the truth: The problem with Facebook’s content warnings

The decision to prioritize our own comfort and convenience by looking away might feel easier, but it comes at a terrible cost.

We Know Nature Makes Us Happier. Now Science Says It Makes Us Kinder Too

New studies show being in nature may increase your willingness to be generous, trusting, and helpful toward others.

Williams Incident: Reagan and Bush Lied About Military Records but Got a Pass

Many conservatives are currently criticizing NBC nightly news anchor Brian Williams for embellishing an experience he had at the beginning of the Iraq War. These same conservatives, however, continue idolizing Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush who “embellished” a lot of stories in wartime.

You Can’t Trust the (Corporate) Press

From operation mockingbird to wars based on official lies, you can't trust the corporate press. Democracy will only flourish when "the press can decide whether to print what it knows.”

VIDEO: Art and Protests at the Venice Biennale Highlight Labor Conditions, Climate Change and...

Democracy Now is broadcasting from the Venice Biennale, the oldest and most prestigious international art exhibition, where this year's theme, "All the World’s Futures," has not been without controversy.