Sunday, May 26, 2024

Amid shutdowns, youth climate activists are writing the curriculum for a just economic recovery

“Organizing is intertwined with our survival as a people, and that can’t take a back seat."

Big plastic requests $1 billion bailout

“Having multinational companies with their tin cups out asking for taxpayer dollars at this moment in time is wrong.”

Wildfires can reduce biodiversity—can biodiversity be used to reduce wildfires?

A biodiversity experiment in Australia showed animal species can help reduce flammable leaf litter by 24 percent.

Citigroup announces ban on financing Arctic drilling

Citigroup now joins Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan Chase, and Wells Fargo, along with several global banks to end funding oil and gas exploration in the Arctic.

5 ways environmental damage drives human diseases like COVID-19

Wildlife trade, deforestation, industrial farming and other factors threaten both animals and human health.

Instead of protecting public health during COVID-19 crisis, Trump moves to prop up ‘dirty,...

"Every federal dollar wasted on this effort is a dollar stolen from cleaning up the industry's toxic pollution legacy in the Navajo Nation and across the West."

Scientists, climate experts endorse Joe Biden as 2020 presidential candidate

"On Earth Day, we speak with one voice: we must elect Joe Biden the next president of the United States—for all our sakes."

COVID-19 ‘liberate’ groups are the same ones pushing climate denial

The well-funded machinery that sowed doubt about climate is now sowing seeds of doubt over the economic and public health response to COVID-19.

A decade later and still nothing learned from BP’s Deepwater Horizon offshore oil spill

“Instead of learning lessons from the BP disaster, President Trump is proposing to radically expand offshore drilling, while dismantling the few protections put in place as a result of the catastrophic blowout.”

Revealed: US funds study on bat coronavirus at Wuhan Institute of Virology

While the current coronavirus outbreak is no doubt zoonotic—originating from animals—, scientists said, ministers and senior government officials claim that the pandemic could have accidentally leaked from the Wuhan Institute of Virology.