Saturday, June 15, 2024

House passes resolution that reinstates EPA’s methane pollution safeguards

A new report by the UN Environment Program confirmed that cutting methane pollution from both new and existing oil and gas operations is vital in tackling the climate crisis.

Over 200 groups demand no water privatization in any infrastructure deal

“Water privatization has failed communities across the country and must be rejected in all its forms.”

“Defending the sacred”: Indigenous water protectors continue resistance to Line 3 pipeline in Minnesota

“This, to me, is an extension of the fight that’s happening all over Mother Earth, protecting the last beautiful places, protecting the sacred.”

Footage of Exxon lobbyist increases pressure on Biden to end fossil fuel subsidies

“It’s time for President Biden to pick a side: Exxon or the American majority?”

Supreme Court allows fracked gas pipeline’s use of eminent domain. But the pipeline’s victory...

The decision could give private companies more power to take state land, but experts point to a thicket of legal obstacles that remain in the pipeline’s way.

6 ways to reduce your carbon footprint through dietary changes

Here are six tips for eating green...

Nearly half a billion people at risk from sea level rise by 2100

“There’s a lot of scientists looking at long-term scenarios. But it’s happening now in parts of the world.”

Big oil and gas kept a dirty secret for decades. Now they may pay...

“Big oil was engaged in exactly the same type of behavior that the tobacco companies engaged in and were found liable for fraud on a massive scale.”

Indigenous-led action outside White House urges Biden to ‘protect people, not polluters’

Protesters are calling on the president and Congress to "prioritize climate justice, racial justice, Indigenous rights, housing justice, and transit justice in the infrastructure discussions."

The surfside condo collapse and its environmental warning signals

“I don’t think it’s going to be any one factor. I think it’s going to be a cumulative effect of many different things.”