Sunday, May 19, 2024

Wax worm saliva can degrade stubborn plastic within hours, scientists find

Wax worms (Galleria mellonella) could both digest and biodegrade plastic, causing visible damage to a PE-plastic bag in just 40 minutes.

How a powerful US lobby group helps big oil to block climate action

“I think it’s fair to say that API and its prominent member companies have a broadly shared goal, which is to keep the social license of the oil and gas industry operating, and therefore enabling them to continue to extract oil and gas for as long as possible, as profitably as possible.”

How not to lose 27 beautiful and sacred national monument areas

The Trump administration wants to know how you feel about your national monument lands. A public comment period opens May 12.

2021 trends that could drive the energy transition further next year

2021 highlighted ways that renewable energy appears to offer more stable and affordable electricity than burning fossil fuels.

Hijacking the impeachment debate—for climate’s sake

Donald Trump has done many wrong things, both illegal and legal but grievously harmful, that could have been used long ago to impeach him—and by far the most dangerous of these is his aggressive worsening of the climate emergency.

Louisiana’s cancer alley residents push back against industrial polluters

The work of Citizens for a Better St. Gabriel is only beginning.

“Duh, of course I would”: Bernie Sanders vows to take legal action against fossil...

"How do you hold fossil fuel executives who knew that they were destroying the planet but kept on doing it?"

Native nations gather in DC for 4-day protest against Trump, DAPL

The Dakota Access pipeline demonstration continues to inspire other pipeline fights around the country.

The potential impact of wireless technology on wildlife

Electromagnetic radiation from Wi-Fi and cell towers may pose a “credible risk” to birds, mammals, insects, and even plants.

Meet the top EPA environmental justice official who quit to protest Pruitt & Trump

Mustafa Ali helped launch the EPA’s Office of Environmental Justice in 1992.