Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Drilling on public lands: Native American voices frustrated by virtual public hearings over zoom

“How many North Slope members have access to WiFi? That's what I want to know. How many of them know that this webinar is going on?”

Clean energy spreads nationwide

"This milestone is a victory for everyone who has been forced to breathe polluted air or drink unclean water because they lived near a dirty power plant."

Trump’s EPA to reverse regulation on chemical found in drinking what that is linked...

“Trump’s EPA is choosing NOT to regulate #perchlorate, a dangerous chemical linked to fetal & infant brain damage and found in the tap water of millions of Americans. This decision ignores science and the law.”

Big Ag lets hundreds of thousands of farm animals die in barn fires every...

Farm animals have less legal protection than other confined animals, such as those living in laboratories or zoos.

‘Not just bad, it’s pathological’: while pushing big oil bailouts, trump slaps wind and...

“Robbing from a clean energy future to prop up the dirty energy past.”

Plastic bottle made from plants degrades in just one year

“This plastic has very attractive sustainability credentials because it uses no fossil fuels, and can be recycled – but would also degrade in nature much faster than normal plastics do.”

Biden vows to ax Keystone XL if elected

His announcement Monday was met with enthusiasm by pipeline opponents.

Encourage Congress to ban factory farms

It is time we fight back and support animal welfare, our environment, and what we put on our dinner plates!

‘Anything but secure’: advocates decry USDA rule allowing Big Ag to set its own...

"Consumers have a right to know how gene editing is being used to produce the foods they buy in the market."

Pipeline shutdown prevented 34 million tons of carbon pollution in California

“We need to end offshore drilling, not bring it back to life with another dirty oil pipeline.”