Sunday, May 5, 2024

New Study: First Commercialized GM Crop Was Toxic to Farm Animals over Long-Term

This study reveals once again the urgent need for specific labeling of the identity and quantity of GMOs, especially in food and feed.

Can This Entrepreneur Save Flint From a Plastic Bottle Crisis?

David Antelo says his reverse osmosis machines can provide clean water to the lead-plagued city without the landfill waste.

‘Censorship science, pure and simple:’ Physicians for Social Responsibility opposes EPA rule to undermine...

“The EPA is seeking to turn its back on studies that enable its core mission: to safeguard environmental health and protect American communities from harm."

IOGCC Representatives Spout Climate Denial at ExxonMobil-Funded Meeting

IOGCC may be just as bad as ALEC, but has yet to come under fire for its relationship with Exxon.

The Standing Rock victory you didn’t hear about

The day 40 to 50 Native water protectors kept 250 militarized police from attacking camp.

Federal appeals court rules against EPA, affirms Clean Air Act protections

"EPA can no longer look the other way while states unlawfully exempt industrial polluters from vitally important air pollution control requirements.”

North Dakota’s public bank was built for the people – now it’s financing police...

The nation’s only state bank was created to empower small farmers and local economies, but now it’s being used to silence indigenous people with militarized force. How did this happen?

President Obama denies all permits for dangerous testing in the Atlantic

The government estimates over 138,000 marine mammals, including dolphins and whales, would be injured and disturbed if seismic airgun blasting in the Atlantic were to take place.

‘Few things matter more to humans’: UN report says we must protect and restore...

"Policies that minimize soil degradation and protect soil biodiversity should be a component of biodiversity protection at all levels."

Congressional energy and climate committees are loaded with ex-fossil fuel lobbyists

Ex-lobbyists-turned-congressional-staffers get bonuses from their old employers as a parting gift as they step through the reverse revolving door.