Sunday, May 19, 2024

Revolutionary changes in transportation, from electric vehicles to ride sharing, could slow global warming...

In the newly released IPCC report, scientists concluded that immediate cuts are necessary to stop emissions. Systemic changes currently underway in the transportation sector could begin lowering that emissions footprint—but will it be enough?

Bridging the food-or-energy gap

“This dual use of the land adds a layer of efficiency that wouldn’t be there. You start seeing layer after layer of benefit, benefit, benefit."

Climate explained: why some people still think climate change isn’t real

Even people who accept the science of climate change sometimes resist it because it clashes with their personal projects.

California set to require solar on most new homes

If approved, the mandate would apply to all houses, condos and apartment buildings up to three stories tall that obtain building permits after Jan. 1, 2020.

3 reasons local climate activism is more powerful than people realize

Group action targeted at local decision-makers is a time-honored tradition – and I believe necessary in the current political environment for action on climate change.

Canada approves Kinder Morgan, Enbridge pipelines despite fierce opposition

"Today's announcement may as well have said that Canada is pulling out of the Paris climate agreement."

Can the Department of Defense win its complicated battle against climate change?

The world’s biggest institutional user of oil is grappling with the impacts of climate change.

Will Trump give America’s science lead to China?

The world will not stand still while Trump walks the nation’s science and technology into mere clay.

1,000+ rhinos poached in South Africa for fourth straight year

Together, we need to commit to long-term demand reduction efforts to protect rhinos.