Friday, September 20, 2024

Plastic bag bans prove effective in US, reducing usage by billions

Recent reports by environmental nonprofits indicate a substantial decrease in plastic bag usage due to bans implemented in various states and cities.

GOP tax bill: How the environment lost

“The environment is the clear loser, with calamitous consequences for all Americans."

President Obama denies all permits for dangerous testing in the Atlantic

The government estimates over 138,000 marine mammals, including dolphins and whales, would be injured and disturbed if seismic airgun blasting in the Atlantic were to take place.

EPA announces emergency order immediately suspending weedkiller DCPA

The ban of the pesticide, dimethyl tetrachloroterephthalate and chlorthal-dimethyl, goes into affect immediately while the EPA begins the cancellation process, which will lead to a permanent ban of DCPA.

The ultimate blow back universe

In other words, President Donald Trump has dedicated himself to nailing humanity to a cross of coal.

Damming rivers is terrible for human rights, ecosystems and food security

Despite industry rhetoric, hydropower is high-cost and high-risk. There are better options for a post-pandemic recovery and a renewable energy future.

Trump’s bogus reason for bailing on the Paris Agreement

The administration’s lawyer thinks there might be legal ramifications if the U.S. stays in the Paris Climate Agreement but doesn’t cut emissions. No one who worked on the deal agrees.

Water waste must stop

The whole wastewater system is contributing to climate change.

Trump Economic Adviser “Pushing” for Climate Denier and Fossil Fuel Apologist to Head EPA

If Trump wins in November, will his climate and energy team wipe out any U.S. progress on the ever-worsening global climate crisis?