Sunday, June 16, 2024

A leaking oil refinery on St. Croix gives Biden his first environmental justice test

Nearly 100,000 people have signed a petition calling for the closure of a controversial oil and gas facility that has sickened residents of the U.S. Virgin Island.

Government whistleblower sounds the alarm on villages threatened by climate change

A scientist looking for a way to help Alaska Natives whose villages are sinking was reassigned by the Trump administration to a job collecting royalty checks from fossil fuel companies.

Methane Discovered in Drinking Water Near Fracking Wells

A Stanford researcher found the highest risk of leaks was from shallow natural gas wells drilled in California, Pennsylvania, and Texas.

Climate change, extreme weather, destructive lifestyles

If we continue in the selfish, greedy, divisive ways of the past, the weather patterns will become more extreme and unpredictable, the air and waterways will become more toxic, loss of life will increase and the associated environmental ills will deepen.

The past 5 years were the Arctic’s warmest on record

"The good news is it's not too late to correct the course. As leaders meet this week at the UN climate talks in Poland, we urge them to run, not crawl, towards reducing emissions and accelerating a clean energy transition."

Climate explained: why some people still think climate change isn’t real

Even people who accept the science of climate change sometimes resist it because it clashes with their personal projects.

Colorado attorney general sues Boulder County to end fracking ban

Records show that energy companies have spent millions of dollars to stop the anti-fracking measures.

After pouring over $1 trillion into fossil fuel finance, CEOs of 6 US banks...

Despite talk of an energy transition and a wave of fossil fuel bankruptcies, big bank CEOs described plans to continue business with beleaguered fossil fuel industries.

Energy Transfer pipeline projects on hold in Pennsylvania after string of violations

“There has been a failure by Energy Transfer and its subsidiaries to respect our laws and our communities. This is not how we strive to do business in Pennsylvania, and it will not be tolerated.”

Coral disease spreading in Caribbean linked to wastewater from ships

Since the identification of the disease off Virginia Key in 2014, it has spread to the Caribbean, the Bahamas, Jamaica, Saint Maarten and Mexico.