Saturday, May 18, 2024

Major gas utility is pouring money into reversing an Oregon city’s electric-only mandate

Climate advocates who see this strategy playing out in Eugene are concerned that NW Natural and its affiliates may spend enormous sums to convince the public to overturn the mandate. 

How One West Virginia Supreme Court justice gave natural gas a big victory and...

Justice Beth Walker voted to reopen an already decided case around the time her husband owned stock in a variety of energy companies. And that’s not even why she’s been impeached.

How the Peconic Bay Community Preservation Fund Helps to Preserve Land on the Island...

The CPF on Long Island—based on a buyer-paid two-percent real estate transfer tax—has been adopted in places like Nantucket to help with the preservation of land. Here is how the program dedicated to acquiring and preserving land has worked.

More than 2,400 animals killed by oil spill in Colombia

It took Colombia's state oil company Ecopetrol three weeks to respond to the environmental disaster.

Half of Earth’s glaciers could melt with 1.5°C of warming, NASA study finds

“We are not trying to frame this as a negative look at the loss of these glaciers, but instead how we have the ability to make a difference.”

How Indigenous land management practices are a blueprint for climate-resilient agriculture

As a rapidly warming world strains at the shortcomings in industrial farming, key lessons can be taken from Indigenous practices.

‘Globally significant moment for ocean conservation’: Australia to phase out gill net fishing in...

“The removal of gillnets in net-free zones on the reef has already helped boost local fish populations. We want to see this happen right across the reef.”

News study warns fracking is destroying US water supply

"The water footprint from fracking is only set to go up, the study informed, which raises "concerns about its sustainability, particularly in arid or semi-arid regions in western states, or other areas where groundwater supplies are stressed.”

Saving our planet is our responsibility

If, and it’s a large ominous if, humanity is to reverse the damage, education and widespread environmental/social responsibility are essential.

Johnson & Johnson recalls 33,000 baby powder bottles after FDA finds asbestos

"FDA will be working with Johnson & Johnson to facilitate further investigation to substantiate that the product is authentic."