Saturday, June 15, 2024

War in the Gulf (no, not that Gulf!)

The U.S. navy’s anti-environmental broadside in the Gulf of Alaska.

Portland public schools first to put global climate justice in classroom

Students learn about the front lines of global warming and how to be climate activists.

Meet the Nebraskans who could stop Keystone XL (again)

But TransCanada is intervening in the process in its own way.

Mexican government stands in solidarity with Sea Shepherd to save nearly extinct Vaquita

Illegal fishing has caused the vaquita numbers to dwindle down to less than 30.

House Science Committee leader says climate scientists are trying to control people’s lives

Rep. Smith has repeatedly turned the House Science, Space, and Technology Committee – and its Twitter account – into a platform for climate science denial.

Popular farm pesticide found in drinking water

Though the study was exclusive to Iowa, it could have far-reaching effects on the entire U.S.

How the Koch machine quietly pushed for the Dakota Access Pipeline and stands to...

Dakota Access appears poised to line the pocketbooks of Koch Industries, which funnels millions of dollars to his own employer.

Architect of Energy Secretary Rick Perry’s political comeback now lobbies for Dakota Access owner

Lobbying disclosure forms reveal that Miller is also registered to lobby for utility giant Southern Company and major nuclear sector player AECOM.

Youth fight back against Trump’s attempt to derail climate trial

“The Trump administration appears to labor under the mistaken belief that its decisions are beyond the jurisdiction of constitutional review.”

EPA, national clean energy progression over nearly 50 years

Each renewable investment and green energy company initiative represents a milestone in the journey to a cleaner environment.