Saturday, May 4, 2024

Ahead of Biden order on climate financial risk, coalition says Wall Street must finally...

“Plans to make plans in no way matches the urgency of the climate crisis; we need action from regulators now to stop the money pipeline to climate chaos.”

Enough! Trump has abdicated on climate – now it’s up to us

I’ll start with myself. And every time I give up something to reduce carbon emissions, I’ll smile and think of President Trump.

Oil and gas industry tries to hold public schools hostage

Fossil fuel interest groups are telling New Mexicans: Let us keep drilling or the state’s education system will collapse.

Grassroots fighters for the Arctic Refuge take the case to DC

We must stand for the protection of the Arctic Refuge and ask our representatives to do the same.

Scientists want to build a solar-powered ark on the moon to protect earth species

The plan: A solar-powered ark containing seed, spore, sperm and egg samples from 6.7 million Earth species, to be stored in empty lava tunnels on the moon.

Tribes find new ways to keep pipelines – and their oil – out of the Great...

The upcoming months promise intense new fronts of conflict as tribal nations are united as never before and taking action.

Not a green bone in their white bodies

Connecting anti-immigrant and racist ideas via population growth to environmental degradation is nothing new.

What Obama’s Climate Legacy Tells Us About Executive Power

Incremental progress beats no progress. But the climate needs all hands, and all branches of government, on deck.

Clean water act rollback: Trump’s EPA limits states’ and tribes’ rights to block pipelines

“We won’t stand idly by as they rip away our authority under the law to preserve water quality.”

600 million metric tons of plastic may fill oceans by 2036 if we don’t...

Fossil fuel stakeholders have been seeking new revenue in the petrochemical industry in general, and plastics in particular.