Friday, July 26, 2024

Three Massive Mergers—Millions for One Bank and a Disaster for Food, Water, and Climate

In addition to advising on all three mega-mergers, Credit Suisse is playing a big role behind the scenes of the Dakota Access pipeline.

Border Carbon Tax Could Cut Emissions

Major trading countries are urged to make a big contribution to the battle against climate change by introducing a carbon tax on imports.

A Nonviolent Strategy to End the Climate Catastrophe

So don't wait around waiting for others to act first. It is your leadership that is required in this circumstance. And it is your leadership that might ultimately make the difference.

Snow Leopards Being Poached Into Extinction

Snow leopards, whose numbers are estimated to be as few as 4,000, could be extinct within the next four years.

Fracking Pumps Up Public’s Climate Fears

Governments worldwide are finding that public opposition to fracking for gas is growing because of concerns that it will worsen climate change.

Revealed: How Dirty Production of NHS Drugs Helps Create Superbugs

Active ingredients used in antibiotics get into the local soil and water systems, leading to bacteria in the environment becoming resistant to the drugs.

UK Oil Companies Set to Drill in the Arctic

The rush comes after the Foreign Office last year talked up the opportunities for British business of a melting Arctic.

Missing From the Debates: Climate Change, Poverty, Campaign Finance and More

The presidential candidates have not been asked questions on some of the critical issues facing us, and Chris Wallace has no plans to ask them.

In Illinois, New Rules Expected to Make Solar Faster and Cheaper

The rules come at a critical time for Illinois’ energy future.

Red Wolf Faces Extinction at Hands of Protection Agency

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service's red wolf protection plan "will no doubt result in extinction of red wolves in the wild."