Friday, July 26, 2024

Record heatwave threatens 130 million Americans as climate crisis escalates

"Both the record-breaking temperatures and the duration of heat present a clear and present danger, particularly for children, elders, people with disabilities, and people who work outside."

This Wind-Powered Device Pulls 11 Gallons of Drinkable Water From the Air Each Day

This low-cost, low-tech water condenser could help create water self-sufficiency in communities around the world that lack regular access to clean, drinkable water.

Tell Target to end handing out single-use plastic bags

Tell Target to eliminate plastic bags from its checkout counters.

Tell House Democrats to address climate crisis: Support the Green New Deal

Tell Democratic lawmakers to stand up for a sustainable future and convince Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi to authorize the select committee.

New infographic shows how only 10 companies control every brand we know

Regardless of what the companies claim, the Big 10 do have the power and resources to address hunger and poverty within their supply chains.

Nestlé to be Sued Over Water Groundwater Extraction in California

Three environmental groups are pursuing legal action against Nestlé for continuing to extract groundwater with an expired permit in California during a drought.

World’s richest launch ​$1 billion ​fund to ​fight ​climate ​change, invest in clean tech

This week, a group of top tech executives from Alphabet, Amazon, Apple, Facebook, Microsoft and more will reportedly meet with the president-elect.

Encourage Congress to ban factory farms

It is time we fight back and support animal welfare, our environment, and what we put on our dinner plates!

Tell Chevron to stay out of the Arctic Refuge

It's time we hold Chevron accountable and tell the oil giant not to bid for leases on this "sacred, unspoiled land."

Kangaroos are victims of the world’s largest commercial slaughter of terrestrial wildlife

Importing kangaroo meat and skins must be banned in the EU, but Americans can also help protect this iconic species.