Thursday, May 16, 2024

Scott Brown Says Orlando Shooting Did Not Primarily Target Gay People

“I don’t identify the people who were murdered as from a particular class of people.”

Former State Senator and Assemblyman Both Admit Accepting and Concealing Bribes

Initially facing up to 396 years in federal prison for his 24-count indictment, Ron Calderon accepted a plea deal in which prosecutors are only seeking no more than 70 months in prison.

First Mammal Goes Extinct Due to Human-Caused Climate Change

Human activities such as climate change, deforestation and wildlife trafficking could drive more species off the planet.

With Five Million Votes Still Uncounted and Unreported in the Democratic Primary, Sanders Could...

More than half of all votes cast in the California Democratic primary -- over 4.5 million votes compared to the 3.6 million reported as cast on election evening -- have not been counted, or if counted, the results have not been disclosed.

We Must Understand Corporate Power to Fight It

All predatory systems of power seek to mask their ultimate aims. As they become more repressive, they become more deceptive. They silence dissidents and bombard the airwaves with lies. Those who effectively resist have to peel back the layers of deceit to understand the intentions of the elites.

Internal Documents Reveal How MSNBC Show Worked To Promote Fracking

On the issue of fracking for shale oil and gas, documents from 2011 obtained under Oklahoma's Open Records Act demonstrate that the network saw itself as a promoter of both the controversial drilling method and natural gas vehicles.

In 17 Days Vermont’s Historic GMO Labeling Law Goes Into Effect: Is Big Food...

It’s clear that food companies are quietly preparing for Vermont’s seemingly inevitable label law.

Alabama House Speaker Convicted on 12 Felony Charges

Facing up to 20 years in prison for each of the 12 ethics counts, Hubbard ironically championed several ethics reforms in 2010.

8 Reasons Why Republicans Must Dump Trump

Republicans still have time to dump Trump. For the good of the country and the world, they must.

Here’s How the Presidential Candidates Responded to the Orlando Shooting

You will never believe how Donald Trump reacted to the Orlando nightclub shooting.