Thursday, May 2, 2024

How to keep indoor air clean to reduce the chance of spreading Covid

Using increased ventilation or running an appropriately sized air cleaner or filter can add an extra layer of protection.

Famine and Government Neglect in Ethiopia

Donor countries also have a long-term responsibility to the people they purport to support. To this end the governments of Britain, America and the European Union must ensure that the Ethiopian government put in place visionary plans to mitigate the impact of any future drought.

American “freedom fighters” are killing themselves and their fellow Americans; what to do?

If these freedom fighters want to obtain food or clothing or some service from businesses in the future, they will have to pay a price before they will be allowed to enter stores. That price will be the wearing of masks.

Organic farming in the U.S. is now bigger than ever

The number of certified organic acres in the country rose by more than 10 percent over the past two years.

The Egg Industry, Scrambling

The egg industry has fought the legislative mandates, arguing that banning cages will cost producers and consumers more, without improving animal welfare.

EPA’s proposed ‘secret science’ rule directly threatens children’s health

If the secret science rule is adopted, EPA officials will have to pretend that this kind of research doesn’t exist, since the patient records that it draws on can’t be made public.

Removing Artificial Ingredients Helped Turn Around Cereal Sales

General Mills is selling more Cheerios, Lucky Charms, and other products, reversing losses suffered last year.

Lessons from Katrina: This organization tries to get Hurricane Florence survivors home quicker

Many in North Carolina were left homeless by the storm and its still-receding floodwaters. This nonprofit wants to shrink the amount of time it takes to rebuild after a disaster.

Toxic metals contaminate all baby foods tested: New government report

"The FDA must set standards and regulate this industry much more closely, starting now.”

Rural America needs Medicare for All now

Only a system that puts the well-being of all people above enriching a few will deliver the care we need, where and when we need it, and keep our rural communities alive and vibrant.