Saturday, May 4, 2024

Not Lovin’ It

McDonald's new ad campaign is trying to tap into people’s emotions linking their positive feelings of love with the Golden Arches. Maybe it would be better served to ask the workers about the “love” they’re getting from McDonald’s.

One Tribe’s ‘Long Walk’ Upstream for Environmental and Cultural Justice

Wisconsin's Menominee tap their forebears—and Native American cultural rebirth underway in North Dakota—on a walk to protect their river.

New study shows Medicare for All will save Americans billions and prevent thousands of...

This study helps quiet several attacks made on Medicare for All from the private healthcare industry.

3M to pay $10.3 billion to settle water pollution suit over PFAS ‘forever chemicals’

“We have reached the largest drinking water settlement in American history, which will be used to help filter PFAS from drinking water that is served to the public.”

European Environment Committee Votes Against Glyphosate Renewal

"So long as serious concerns remain about the carcinogenicity and endocrine disruptive properties of the herbicide glyphosate, the EU Commission should not renew its authorization."

The health care fight is far from over

We’re going to have to keep up a winning pressure until health care is a public good available and affordable for every person in our country.

Court orders EPA to establish lead hazard standards in structures to better protect children...

According to the Centers for Disease and Control, there is no safe level of exposure of lead for children and the most common cause of lead poisoning is from ingesting lead dust.

Corporate media politicize WHO investigation on COVID origins to vilify China

The lab leak hypothesis is, in fact, a literal conspiracy theory that is gaining traction due to constant media innuendo.

Eric Holder: It’s Time To Talk About Decriminalizing Marijuana

“You know, we treat marijuana in the same way that we treat heroin now, and that clearly is not appropriate.”

DC’s March for Science Evolved

NationofChange joins thousands at the second annual March for Science, which has evolved considerably.