Sunday, April 28, 2024

We have the money to fix our food system

Imagine supporting farmers markets, child nutrition, and local agriculture with money we spend on factory farms.

The EPA Hasn’t Updated Fracking Rules In Nearly 3 Decades. Now, Environmental Groups Are...

“Waste from the oil and gas industry is very often toxic and should be treated that way."

New proposal designed to confuse public and prevent Medicare for All

Our tasks at this moment are to understand what the power holders are offering, recognize why it is a false solution and reject it.

Factory farms create the perfect conditions to spread viral infections like COVID-19

An alarming 75 percent of new or emerging diseases start in animals.

New documents show how drug companies targeted doctors to increase opioid prescriptions

A trove of recently released documents offers the public an unvarnished look inside those relationships from the perspective of drug companies themselves.

EPA Influenced to Delay Glyphosate Cancer Review

Biotech companies, including Monsanto, have all influenced the EPA in postponing these important and necessary meetings saying the speakers will be too biased.