Sunday, May 5, 2024

In landmark opioid trial, Oklahoma accuses Johnson & Johnson of being drug ‘kingpin’ fueled...

In opening statements Tuesday, lawyers made a sweeping case against the company, accusing it of driving demand for opioids while the drug ravaged Oklahoma.

Medicare for all can reshape the ‘art of the possible’

Dollar by dollar, life by life, public health insurance must be defended and expanded until it is available to everyone.

Wall Street plowboys

Adding to the inequality that has affected so many farmworkers is the fact that Wall Street has our nation's farmland.

2017 World Water Week: ‘Water and waste: reduce and reuse’

Water is key to our future prosperity, and together, we can achieve a water wise world.

Berkeley Soda Tax Is Working

Are Berkeley residents better off?

Kids need to wear masks when they go to school in person, and parents...

I know this is easier said than done but, in my view, this struggle is worth the effort.

My Covid-19 teaching year

A world unraveling amid smoke and death and how one teacher and her students dealt with it.

Pre-existing conditions: The age group most vulnerable if coverage goes away

It is hard to imagine protection for pre-existing coverage for those 55-64 being overturned given the universal appeal of this mandate and the policy reports already being generated.

Clean energy produces billions in health benefits, study finds

"This research shows that renewables pay for themselves through health benefits alone."

It won’t be protests that bring on the next big wave of Covid infections

If the country doesn’t see a substantial increase in new Covid-19 cases after this week, it should prompt a rethinking of what epidemiologists believe about how the virus spreads.