Friday, May 3, 2024

People of color in U.S. more likely to breathe six types of air pollution,...

“For all years and pollutants, the racial/ethnic group with the highest national average exposure was a racial/ethnic minority group,”

Imports of Genetically Engineered Salmon Blocked Until Labeling Requirements Are Established

The FDA approved the salmon in October without any mandatory labeling. In approving the AquaBounty transgenic salmon, the FDA ignored millions of Americans and more than 40 members of Congress who have expressed vocal opposition.

Trumpcare was for CEOs, not patients

Buried in Paul Ryan's failed replacement for Obamacare was a huge handout to overpaid health insurance CEOs.

The Big Pharma family that brought us the opioid crisis

Purdue Pharma, the drug pushers, have caused hundreds of thousands of deaths, enough fatalities to decrease overall U.S. life expectancy at birth for the last two years running.

America wants health care, not walls

We can only hope that the Democrats who won a new mandate on health care in November will now find the courage to deliver on big ideas like in-state single-payer programs, and push for Medicare for All at the federal level.

Medicare for All: Accept no substitutes

There’s only one Medicare for All plan, and it deserves widespread support – from its friends, its current enemies, and all the people in between.

The ultimate stress test

The American world that COVID-19 reveals...

A tale of two pandemics

In one, billionaires are sheltering in place on their yachts in the Caribbean, and wealthy families are safely quarantining in multimillion-dollar mansions. In the other boats sit people risking their lives for their jobs and people without incomes going hungry.

With pandemic a ‘tipping point,’ UN warns 1 billion more people headed for extreme...

Unless strong and meaningful action is taken now, including major social investments and a Green New Deal-style program, the Covid-19 crisis will make an already dire economic situation much worse.

Phthalates in food packaging lead to 100,000 deaths in U.S. each year, study finds

“While further studies are needed to corroborate observations and identify mechanisms, regulatory action is urgently needed.”