Tuesday, May 21, 2024

America wants health care, not walls

We can only hope that the Democrats who won a new mandate on health care in November will now find the courage to deliver on big ideas like in-state single-payer programs, and push for Medicare for All at the federal level.

The ultimate stress test

The American world that COVID-19 reveals...

Institutionalized elderly are facing a massacre, not an epidemic

The other epidemic, meanwhile, is causing what amounts to a massacre of the nation’s institutionalized elderly in nursing homes.

The three big reasons Republicans can’t replace Obamacare

Except the prospect of more than 20 million people losing their health insurance, and a huge redistribution from the working class to the very rich.

Impending Trump Dakota Access easement is illegal, Standing Rock Sioux say

The move to grease the wheels for dirty energy infrastructure sets the Trump administration up for more clashes with protesters.

On the ground activism: Hundreds march in Chicago to protest against GOP health care...

"This bill puts at risk health care for over a million people, billions of dollars for Illinois and tens of thousands of jobs."

Michigan to stop giving bottled water to Flint residents

Over 12,000 lead or galvanized steel pipes that could potentially bring lead-contaminated water are still in use.

Study: Children have better nutrition when they live near forests

The data show that forests aren't just correlated with improvements in people's diets. We show that forests cause these improvements."

Here are the worst abortion restrictions conservative state lawmakers passed this year

These included everything from bans on the safest, most common form of second-trimester abortion to laws that would outright re-criminalize abortion.

Navajo Nation suffers third-highest COVID-19 infection rate in US with limited healthcare & water

“The level of inequity that you’re seeing … it’s part of this pattern.”