Sunday, May 5, 2024

Even the grim reaper favors the rich

The Republicans’ pro-wealth, anti-labor and anti-social welfare campaigns are pushing people over a cliff before they live long enough to become grannies.

No one should have to bargain for health care

As the GM strike shows, employers use their workers’ health as a bargaining chip. Medicare for All would end that.

Just one tea bag can release billions of microscopic plastic particles into your drink,...

From Arctic snow to the deep sea, microplastics have been found in some unusual places. Now, it turns out they could be lurking at the bottom of...

Environmentalists demand explanations for “secret” fracking chemicals in Ohio

“People need to know. People have a right to know, and first responders have a right to know if they might be exposed to those types of chemicals.”

Dangerous levels of plastic found in children’s bodies finds new study

"It can't be that every fourth child between three and five years old is so heavily burdened with chemicals that long-term damage cannot safely be ruled out."

Healthcare ad spending exceeds $65 million in 2019 as insurance industry ramps up effort...

An Axios analysis released Wednesday found that spending on healthcare advertisements has exceeded $65 million in 2019 as dark money organizations, the insurance industry, and...

Germany to ban glyphosate by 2023

“What harms insects also harms people.”

Bernie Sanders wants to cancel $81 billion in medical debt

"In the United States of America, your financial life and future should not be destroyed because you or a member of your family gets sick."

Shell to pay up for contaminating groundwater in California

"Thankfully for this verdict, we can ensure that our residents have a safe, reliable source of drinking water, and not have to face the same issues that far too many of our fellow valley residents have to face.”

Why mental health education should be mandatory

Emily Weinberg was 15 when she was hospitalized for depression and anxiety and 16 when she founded Sophrosyne Mental Health—a resource for...